How To Join The Harwinton Rod & Gun Club
Joining the Harwinton Rod & Gun Club is easy. Just follow these
- Download our 'Membership Application' here:

- Send $27.50 ($25 + $2.50 CT Sales tax) non-refundable filing fee with the completed 'Membership
Application' to (if you do not have a sponsor, a member of the
board will contact you):
Harwinton Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 181
Harwinton, Connecticut 06791
Att: Membership
- The 'Membership Application' will be reviewed by the membership
committee. When a vacancy opens in the membership, you will be
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Membership
Committee Chairman at
The above 'Membership Application' requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you do not already have it installed, please download it here:
